Run commands remotely with psexec

Psexec is a great little tool that is part of the PSTools suite that was created by Mark Russinovich. The suite can be downloaded from the Microsoft site here.

PSExec allows to execute commands to a remote computer from your command line interface. All you need to do is copy the executable file for PSExec (psexec.exe) into the C:\Windows\System32\ folder to be able to use it. You may also want to copy the rest of the tools into System32 folder as well because they can come in quite handy.

Once it is installed you will need to have administrator access to the other computer or at least know the administrator username and password to the remote computer.

Now you are ready to run PSExec.

Open a command prompt (search “cmd” in the start menu search bar)

Run command(replace Computername with the hostname of the computer and replace command with the command you want to execute):

psexec \\Computername command

Eg. If you wanted to find out the IP configuration on a computer named workstation12 you would use the following command

psexec \\workstation12 ipconfig