
I’m a Warrnambool based technology pofessional that works with business clients to deliver functional technology solutions.

Connect to Office365 from Windows 7 with PowerShell

PowerShell is an incredibly powerful tool that for Windows Sysadmins is a must. Once you start using it you will not stop.  Microsoft does not give you access to the back end management software for Exchange so PowerShell is a must if you are going to use Office365 for a business. Windows 7 by default …

Dual Monitors Not Lining Up Correctly

This is one of those frustrating problems that many people with multiple monitors have had and the resolution is actually quite simple Right click on the desktop, click screen resolution. In the dialog where you see two monitors drag them so they line up. You should notice the jump increase and decrease with the alignment. …

Windows 10 Technical Preview Review and Features

Windows 10 Technical Preview is now released and is available for download. If you want you can download and install Windows 10 Technical Preview. Microsoft has skipped a number in there naming scheme and completely missed Windows 9. There is a few different rumours about why Microsoft decided to skip the number 9 but really …

Sending an email using PowerShell

PowerShell is proving to be a wonderful tool for Microsoft System Admins. The ability to send emails in a PowerShell script can be quite useful, you can use this simple little function to send an email from PowerShell. You could potentially use this function to send you an email when an automatic PowerShell task runs and …

Email NDR Code Meanings

What is an NDR? NDR stands for non-delivery report. When an email is rejected from an email server you may receive an NDR email, this usually happens because you have sent the email to an email address that does not exist. This list of NDR codes and what they mean may help you for diagnosing your …

How to update Windows 10

To update Windows 10 you can do this two ways. The first way to update Windows 10 is to open the control panel, then select Windows Update. Then check for updates and install them. The second option is to open the Windows Update app. To open Windows Update app just type in update in the …

MDT – Activate BIOS embedded product key

With Windows 8 and 8.1 computers some of them have been coming out with BIOS embedded product keys. This has done away with the stickers that had the product key on them stuck to the bottom of laptops and stuck on the side of desktops. Activating these when you install from traditional windows installation media(cd, …

How to set Office 365 password to never expire

First you need to make sure you have the Azure AD Module installed on the computer. If you do not have the the Azure AD Module installed you need to: Open PowerShell as administrator Run the command (get-item C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\MSOnline\Microsoft.Online.Administration.Automation.PSModule.dll).VersionInfo.FileVersion Then you need to run the following commands in powershell: $msolcred = get-credential connect-msolservice -credential $msolcred …