
I’m a Warrnambool based technology pofessional that works with business clients to deliver functional technology solutions.

Five Tips to Reduce Your Office Print Costs

Many businesses look at printing as a commodity and not look at how printing can actually be impacting their business. Without proper management your business may be wasting thousands of dollars each year. When these costs stack up it is time for a change. Tip 1: Don’t Print!! This may sound stupid, but really do …

Introduction to PowerApps

Microsoft PowerApps is a new enterprise service that empowers innovators everywhere to connect, create and share business apps with team members on any device in minutes. PowerApps is new and still contains some bugs as it is new, but I expect that will be ironed out as time goes on. PowerApps allows you to connect …

How to Install Windows Server 2016

To install Windows Server 2016 you will need the installation media. You can download a full evaluation copy of Server 2016 from the evaluation page. This video shows you how to install Windows Server 2016 with GUI. I am using Hyper-V to virtualise the deployment of Server 2016. Server 2016 looks the same as Windows …