
I’m a Warrnambool based technology pofessional that works with business clients to deliver functional technology solutions.

Active Directory Tutorials

These tutorials will give you a solid introduction into Active Directory. These Active Directory Tutorials are done in Windows Server 2012.   Related articles: What is a Server? Active Directory Explained  

When I log into yahoo it constantly refreshes

So yesterday I logged into yahoo and the browser (internet explorer) just reloaded that quickly that I couldn’t even press the stop button. I was quite baffled by this and started scanning for computer viruses. I found none on the system. So why was it reloading… I restored all default settings and erased all of …

Re-routing User Profiles to another drive in Windows XP

I will show you how to make a windows user profile associate with another users files. This can be very useful when joining non active directory computers that have been used in a non active directory environment to the active directory domain. So what will happen is that you point a the new active directory …

i7 2600 running at 70+ degrees

OK so yesterday I was doing a little bit of video editing and I thought I’d take a look at how hot my CPU was when I was doing it. And honestly I got quite a shock to see that some of my CPU core temperatures were getting above 70 degrees Celsius!! So I decided …

Password Recovery Tools

Many of these programs will be detected by virus scanners and some may just delete them as soon as they are seen, so I recommend disabling your virus scanning temporarily while you use these utlilites. Nirsoft Password Utilities Mail Pass View This useful little program will get the passwords out of outlook, Windows Live Mail …

How to make high powered laser

OK to build a high powered laser you are going to need a 2 things, the driver and the diode. Now we can just purchase the driver but it is a lot cheaper and more fun to make your laser driver. (Its fairly easy as well!!) What you will need: Soldering Iron: For soldering wires …