
I’m a Warrnambool based technology pofessional that works with business clients to deliver functional technology solutions.

MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make admin interface connection to server. Exchanger 2007 when moving mailboxes

I was trying to move mailboxes from one Exchange Server 2007 database to another Exchange Server 2007 database on a seperate server and got the following error: MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make admin interface connection to server. Summary: 1 item(s). 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Elapsed time: 00:00:21 test Failed Error: MapiExceptionNetworkError: Unable to make admin interface …

Office 2013 Exe files dissapear

So I had just finished and installation of a server and a bunch of workstations and then one of the computers Microsoft Office Home and Business 2013 installations just all of a sudden went corrupted. Office 2013 executable files(winword.exe, outlook.exe, excel.exe, ect.) just disappeared from the C:\Programs\Office15\root\Office15 folder. I couldn’t figure out why. I tried …

Run commands remotely with psexec

Psexec is a great little tool that is part of the PSTools suite that was created by Mark Russinovich. The suite can be downloaded from the Microsoft site here. PSExec allows to execute commands to a remote computer from your command line interface. All you need to do is copy the executable file for PSExec …

Setup previously failed while performing the action “install”. You cannot resume setup by performing the action “BuildToBuildUpdate”. Exchange 2007

I got a wierd Exchange Service Pack Error today when trying to upgrade to a new service pack in Exchange Server 2007. During transition of Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013. I needed to upgrade the Exchange 2007 to service pack 3. When I ran the command /mode:upgrade in Exchange powershell to upgrade the exchange …

AutoDesk Design Review Fails Downloading

I was trying to install the Autodesk Design Review 2013 (ADR) version on a clients computer today and got the following error: The following failed to install: Visual Studio C++  SP1 Redistributable Package (x86) (0x2 Failed downloading component) So I thought just download it manually and install. So i installed the Visual Studio C++ SP1 …

Why Are Backups Important

Now hopefully we all know the importance of a solid and tested backup for all business data. If you think it will be OK, I don’t need to backup my server it is only a month old and showing no signs that it will fall over YOU ARE WRONG. You fill your computers and servers …

What is a cmdlet? – PowerShell

So you may be reading up on PowerShell and be starting to think “really what is a cmdlet?” Well a cmdlet is pronounced command-let and it is a lightweight PowerShell script that performs one function. PowerShell comes with over 200 core cmdlets included but you can write your own or download and use ones that …