Showing 208 Result(s)

Installing Exchange Server 2013 Pre-Requisets error: Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory; The supplied credential for ‘domainname\administrator’ is invalid

During one of my installations of Exchange Server 2013 I ran into a problem. I was using an old test VM with Windows Server 2012 installed on it and ran the power shell command to prepare the Schema and it returned the following error code: Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active …

Installing Exchange Server 2013 Pre-Requisets error: Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active Directory; The supplied credential for ‘domainname\administrator’ is invalid

During one of my installations of Exchange Server 2013 I ran into a problem. I was using an old test VM with Windows Server 2012 installed on it and ran the power shell command to prepare the Schema and it returned the following error code: Setup encountered a problem while validating the state of Active …

How to print through TeamViewer 8 session

Teamviewer is a wonderful tool that is free for use in non-commercial use. This allows you to remotely access your computer. Teamviewer also has the ability to print a document that is opened on the remote computer to a printer attached to the local computer.You can download teamviewer from here.To activate teamviewer’s remote printing function, …

How to recover lost data from a USB stick

You could pay over a $1000 for a professional data recovery service after you have lost your precious files from your USB drive(or hard drive), so why not have a go at recovering it for free yourself. There is a wonderful little utility that made by piriform called Recuva that can recover deleted files from …